Friday, May 18, 2001

for those of you considering whether the expense of private yoga lessons are worth it, let me offer an enthusiastic yes! for me, it's all about adjustment. . .

while in a group class a teacher can walk by and make a quick, helpful adjustment to a pose, it's only in a private lesson that a teacher can take the time to show you how your body, wherever it is at that moment, can compose the asana. this helps you move toward a more graceful and harmonious yoga practice.

this emphasis on adjustment means, i think, that you have to choose your private teacher with great care. i don't think it's enough to just like a teacher's personality, or to have enjoyed his or her group classes. you need to discuss their experience with adjustments. some teachers just don't do it well.

to my mind, alexander experience is a big help. while few yoga teachers are also alexander certified, many have taken a good number of alexander classes on their own and can bring some of those tenets to yoga.

so many yoga centers offer occasional alexander workshops! even if you can't afford to see a private teacher once a week, as i do, definitely consider enrolling at a weekend alexander workshop or find a continuing class to see how the alexander technique can help you become more aware of yourself. the ultimate goal is to be self-correcting in your asana, whether through the use of modifications or just gaining a better understanding of where your body is at any time.

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