Sunday, July 08, 2001

after a tough practice, i washed my new "transformer" mat again. . .to discover that when it had dried this evening, it was soft, suppple, and much more sticky!

since traction is the main thing i want in a yoga mat, i'm growing to like this mat more and more. according to erik from bheka it will become a little softer yet -- i'm only half-way through the breaking in period.

and finally, i've washed the yoga-tard twice now -- it didn't fade or shrink. so once again, i'm thrilled with my bheka yoga gear. plus the bheka gang are just ultra-sweet people!

speaking of breaking in, i think my rancilio silvia espresso machine has broken in as well. either my barista milk steaming skills are finally kicking in, or silvia's now hit her stride!

what other wonders will tomorrow bring? the weather's supposed to turn hot again. . .does this call for chocolate gelato? we'll see!

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