Saturday, December 08, 2001

curses! foiled again!

when i started getting better coffee for my office, it was mainly for myself. i doubted very much that my co-workers would really drink any of it. over the years i have grown accustomed to the fact that it's impossible to change other people's tastes. so naturally i was surprised when they took to illy.

my friday experiment -- foregoing they illy for the starbucks they used to drink -- was quite enlightening. my colleagues took a cup, but they did not finish it. so i think the illy has settled into their soul. i'm not sure they've noticed yet. . . they sort of look at the silver illy can, but in a vague way. they may prefer it without really knowing why or caring much about it. . .which is cool by me.

dr. ernesto and me, flying together under the radar. . .maybe i should get some illy logo cups for everyone?

the downside of friday however was that this darned cold has returned. no yoga for me today; i'm back to my life of bedrest and soup, soup, soup. good thing i can post to this site from web -- umm, msn -- tv as well as from the mac!

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