Thursday, January 10, 2002

server problems appear to be vanquished for the moment. . .so i'm going to publish now while i still can! i apologize if this page loads very slowly or seems to have errors -- flaky server.

spoke to whole latte love today. they are re-shipping my order today, so i do hope to see it next monday or tuesday. i definitely am anxious to have that darned tamper.

finally, let me take a moment to recommend thich nhat hanh's latest book. it's a little repetitive and not quite as charming as his others. but still a very good read, not only because he discusses the benefits of zen coffee meditation:

"one minute of practice is one minute of generating the energy of mindfulness. it doesn't come from outside of you; it comes from within. . .when you sit in a cafe, with a lot of music in the background and a lot of projects in your head, you're not really drinking your coffee. . .you're drinking your projects, your worries. you are not real and the coffee isn't real either. your . . .coffee can only reveal itself to you as a reality when you go back to your self, and produce your true presence."

then he suggests inviting friends over to enjoy a cup and each other's presence, to have a coffee meditation. such meditation is a practice:

"a practice to help us be free. if you are still bound and haunted by the past, if you are still afraid of the future, if you are carried away by your projects, your fear, your anxiety, and your anger, you are not a free person. you are not fully present in the here and the now, so life is not really available to you. . .to be really alive, to touch life deeply, you have to become free."

in this spirit, i encourage everyone to arrange a brief coffee meditation with their closest friend this weekend. i think i will try to set up one with yoga teacher nancy la nasa!

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