Wednesday, January 22, 2003

better than vitamins c & e

i don't have to make these great quotes up, you know. "the higher quality the antioxidants, the more work they can do," [professor] vinson said. "we've found that the antioxidants in dark chocolate are higher quality than even vitamins c and e."

new research by joe a. vinson, professor of chemistry at the university of scranton in pennsylvania, shows that dark chocolate can "raise good cholesterol 10 percent, therefore lowering the risk of heart complications by 20 percent."

compare this with the effects of the expensive prescription drugs, like zocor, which is said to raise your good cholesterol (hdl) by only 8 percent! and the last time i looked, dark chocolate had none of zocor's nasty side effects. . .

we just love these articles on the overwhelming health benefits of chocolate, don't we? we especially love scientists like dr. vinson, who appears to have spent a large part of his recent career researching the beneficial effects of flavonoids and anti-oxidants in coffee and chocolate!

you go, dr. joe!

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