Sunday, May 04, 2003

categories of indian thought

long-time readers and yoga lovers are doing themselves a great disservice if they don't check out the new magazine namarupa.

it's subtitled "categories of indian thought," and while it does contain some weighty pieces of serious yoga philosophy, it also offers beautiful pictorials of the indian culture and landscape. yoga journal it's not -- not that there's anything wrong with yoga journal!

namarupa means "name and form." i think the entire point of the magazine is to show the unity of yoga despite seeming differences in well, name and form. but you don't need a ph.d. in indology to appreciate it.

however it will remind you that your yoga practice is a serious enterprise, one that offers deep ways of considering the world. many people still hold the idea that yoga is no more than fuzzy new-age, feel-good gymnastics.

namarupa wants to remind everyone that yoga is a worldview worthy of respect and study, one that offers useful alternatives to so many ideas currently accepted in the marketplace.

it can only enhance your understanding of your daily physical practice, to my mind. so run on over to namarupa. i was particularly intrigued by the article on swami lakshmanjoo. . .

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