Saturday, May 10, 2003

why is doing almost nothing so difficult?

took a private lesson today with the intense carl horowitz. he is another of these "do little" yoga teachers. we really did do very little, almost nothing, and laughed the whole time.

so why was it one of the most difficult yoga classes i have ever taken? i can't tell you what carl's tricks are. we did these simple little tiny vinyasas -- say, lay down for locust pose but with your arms to side, lift up in a t-shape, breathe 5 breaths, come down, do it 5 times, as slowly as possible -- yikes!

surprisingly difficult! then we did those funny little ball exercises. try doing boat pose on a ball. with the ball under your lower back, your head on the floor, bring your legs to your chest and then as slowly as possible move into boat. hold for 5 breaths, then slowly bring your legs back to your chest. do this 5 times, and try not to weep. don't fall off the ball either. . .

while we're on this subject, i also ordered a book on kashmir shaivism after reading an article in namarupa. it should be very interesting; can't wait until it arrives.

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