Thursday, August 07, 2003

carlos expobar's pressurestat found

once again proving the intimate psychological and synchronistic -- here or here; long-time readers know which one i prefer -- connection between women and coffee, that bit shaped exactly like a pot of kiehls lip balm turned out to be carlos expobar's missing pressurestat.

i guess this makes him a so-called metrosexual. (on that front i have to say i always thought high-class guys had a serious interest in immaculate grooming. good hair, perfect suit, perfect manicure.

but this may just be my experience in new york's financial district and working for a european company, where the serious big money guys do most of their combat via neckware. if you come to the meeting with a lesser tie, you've already lost. . . )

but seriously, once you've removed the 4 screws to take off carlos' top, and the 2 that hold on his faceplate, you'll see in the right front, about 1/3 of the way off the floor, a lip-gloss-pot-sized bit with a yellow face.

sometimes the face is forward; in my case, it smiles straight up to the ceiling. on the face is a red "button." this button is a cap to protect the screw.

to get at the cap, you have to slice the sturdy plastic wire tie holding the metal stair that supports the water reservoir. later, you'll hold this back in place with an ordinary twist tie.

now how to get the cap off? the marvelous todd of wholelattelove is frank: he suggests just taking a pair of needle-nose pliers to it and yankin'.

once the cap is off, there should be a screw that you can adjust with a smallish computer-type screwdriver. twist one way to increase pressure; the other to decrease.

todd points out: "as for it being awkward: yes it is a little but not to bad once you get the cap off. they design it for service people not home owners."

good point todd! when you bring the commercial machine into the home you need a little mind shift, some tools, and a willingness to tinker.

with this new info, i'm going to get some fresh coffee and fiddle with carlos on saturday afternoon before my eyebrow appointment. . .

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