while not all the facts in this cute little piece seem true to me, i must say i was deeply charmed by 2: the coffee as grounds for a turkish divorce, and its use as a face scrub with pineapple in japan.
in yoga news, lately i've been working on pressing up into handstand from down dog in the center of the room. none of this jumping or hopping, and certainly, no walls.
just press your weight into your hands and walk your feet in. at a certain point there is much more weight in the hands than in the feet.
that's when your feet naturally start to rise from the floor. from that moment on it's just a question of abs and balance to gracefully lift the legs into handstand.
how to get there? in yoga, the prep makes the pose; that is, practice the prep pose patiently and the full pose will soon come. a big help is the big ball!
this is great. put the ball under your ankles and get into plank pose.
then with your feet on the ball, walk/roll up to the correct position, hips over shoulders. your feet are already halfway up, so you can more easily practice lifting one leg at a time.
or just stay there in this sort of high down dog until you get better at your balance. . .
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