Tuesday, September 30, 2003

all about coffee

"the intelligent man who empties these foaming cups/he alone knows truth" as the arabic poem says.

one of the most important and interesting books about coffee is the famed ukers. this 847-page tome was compiled by willam ukers and it justifies its name. it is all about coffee!

and it's surely the reason they invented broadband. thanks to a fellow coffee fanatic, this expensive masterpiece is now downloadable in adobe acrobat format.

let me warn you however that it's super-large: 80 mgs. for those of you with broadband, that's 10 mins. for dial-up people, it's an overnight endeavor.

but boy is it worth it -- not only for the great antique style, but the hilarious old-fashioned illustrations and reproductions. even tho' it's only about 75 years old, it reads like something from the turn of the century, for the most part.

it doesn't have a modern sensibility at all, which is somewhat charming. my favorite section is of course book vi, artistic aspects.

so brace yourself, turn off your screensaver, get all your business outta the way, and do it.

"come and enjoy the company of coffee in its habitations; for divine goodness envelops those who partake of its feast."

download ukers here.

news flash: coffee cleared in court of all charges. . .

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