Saturday, September 13, 2003

cerro gordo means fat hill

many moons ago, when blogger was young and i had just started bccy, there was a devastating server crash. many posts were forever lost, including my personal recipe for ciabatta and the famed cerro gordo turkey chile.

this was a recipe given to me by the late, dearly dearly missed poet and zen teacher philip whalen (and here), whose old zendo in fanta se was in fact on cerro gordo road. everyone who eats it immediately declares it the best chile ever.

long-time readers remember that whalen was the first person to serve me peets coffee in a french press. thus in a certain way he is the father of this site, and possibly the most influential person in my entire life.

it's a great dish, including turkey, fresh corn, pozole, zucchini, beans, roasted tomatoes, sage, mexican oregano, red onion, garlic, fresh toasted and ground cumin, cinnamon, chimayo chili, ancho chili, and chipotle chili.

i'm making this today, since it's a weird mix of wet and dry, hot and cold, sunny and dark. really, i need to post the recipe again, but it's one of things that doesn't have figures.

you kinda have to put it together with your heart. . .

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