"the chocolate in a chip cookie, for example, can be programmed to release the second it is bitten into, making the flavour delivery a highly enjoyable experience."
why is it that my heart cries out: i don't want my cookies programmed? why do i insist on a real experience of real chocolate and not a programmed experience of spray-powder chocolate?
what is wrong with me?
so you see, instead of actually using high-quality delicious chocolate in your cookie -- umm, excuse me, product -- you can now use this wonderful powder in a vegetable oil medium that releases a processed form of white chocolate instead.
this gives consumers the "experience" of real, quality, fresh chocolate, while remaining, we are assured, "totally authentic." you can buy this stuff in a great liquid form too!
naturally, everyone wants to go on uma thurman's new diet. of course uma is famous for her puckish sense of humor, so don't take her too seriously. . .
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