Monday, December 22, 2003

alice medrich's truffle recipe & danny's diary

while i like richard donnelly's truffles, i know many people worship pastry chef alice medrich. so here's her truffle recipe.

truffles are great last-minute gifts you can make in a couple of hours. most of the time you're doing nothing while the truffles are chilling -- the melting, etc. take all of 10 mins.

a batch is usually several dozen truffles. which means in about 2 or 3 hours you can make a gifts for 4 or 5 people, if you're giving a dozen per person. and they are relatively inexpensive for the giant impression they make on the giftees!

"you made these yourself?" people exclaim with wonder. since fresh chocolates, like fresh bread, are extra-delicious, your homemade works can have an impact that exceeds even fancier ones made by famed chocolatiers.

if you find yourself in need of some last-minute presents, do consider the fun, easy, and high-impact homemade truffle!

finally, dear readers, you're cheating yourself if you don't read danny o'keefe's great online coffee diary for the week. . .

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