"try power yoga for an invigorating workout!"
articles like this make me wanna cry.
not only does this um, fitness trainer, not appear to understand what so-called hot yoga is, i'm not sure she understands the purpose of the "heat" (sanskrit: tapas) either. that she conflates hot yoga, power yoga, and ashtanga yoga, is likewise pretty scary, tho' to be honest, baron baptiste has apparently started heating power yoga rooms to 95 degrees f and calling that "hot."
let me try to sort out the most common usage of these terms:
if you wanna "work out," please take my advice: go to a step aerobics or spinning class. you'll get faster "work out" type results from those cardio activities.
the benefits of yoga are elsewhere. yoga will give you a great body, no doubt, by really, it's rather a side-effect, not the main deal, and it takes a couple of years. . .trust me on this one, ok?
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