Wednesday, June 16, 2004

brooklyn iced coffee

last evening i returned from an organizational meeting of the st. john's alumni association, where in true johnnie fashion, we talked about aristophanes' frogs, while probably failing to actually organize anything.

and bree-kee-kee ko-ax ko-ax to you too! that was really fabulous, to be able to stand in one of the most beautiful new york apartments i've ever seen -- forget the one in auntie mame, couldn't hold a candle -- with 100 people i didn't know, including a graduate from 1949, and utter this chorus.

personally whenever the talking heads on cable news start pontificating their nonsense, i have long internally thought, "oh, bree-kee-kee," but you know, almost no one would understand what the heck i was doing if i said it aloud.

there not only everyone knew what i meant, but i think a few even agreed with me. . .

thus in good humor (thanks for that alone, daniel van doren!) i awoke this morning to enjoy my gillies iced yrg, in which k's grade 2 sidamo ice cubes tinkled happily.

chilling foods sometimes lessens their flavor, but i was cheerfully surprised that a little splenda and a splash of light cream only highlighted the strong dutch chocolate and vanilla syrup aftertastes of this refreshing coffee!

it's a great summer day. . .

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