Sunday, June 13, 2004

how to get out of your own way

this is perhaps the most valuable lesson yoga teaches anyone. and i saw myself again here today: baking yesterday's bread.

there i'z wuz, li'l anxious bundle, worrying "will it rise?" and this after i know full well that few things in life are as reliable as a natural leaven.

so the dough appeared to rise only a squinch. maybe not even 20%, to my worry-wart eye. but i heat the oven, slash the dough, slide the loaf off the peel onto the baking stone, and 30 mins. later: wa-llah!

a beautifully risen, picture-perfect french sourdough pain au levain. tasted great too. so upstairs it went to 7C, as promised. . .

you know, i could have a little more faith. faith in myself, in the nature of the levain. it wouldn't have killed me.

and on this useful note -- above all i find yoga more useful than so-called spiritual -- i should finish this fantastic americano made of fresh batdorf dancing goat. it's almost time to scurry off to yoga.

standing on your head is one thing: remembering what that's about with a lump of dough on the peel is another. . .faith.

my friends might benefit from it too. maybe i should try it more often!

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