Wednesday, October 06, 2004

why espresso parts rules

just in case there's any doubt, there's one simple reason why espresso parts rules: brian, brian, brian.

lemme explain. upon my recent return from italy, mr. right -- who frankly prefers diet coke but will on the weekend deign to take a batdorf dancing goat latte -- had asked for a latte. he did in fact drink a cappuccino every morning in italy.

thus when i presented him with the usual latte, he thrilled my little chiming heart by casually asking "could i get another shot in this?" but lo and behold, he was already drinking a cup made with a doppio (double) ristretto.

that's correct: mr. right had asked to step up to the triple ristretto! now long-time readers will recall that kevin, mike, and chris of gimme coffee had coverted me this summer to the triple ristretto espresso.

thus i was looking for an excuse to buy a la marzocco triple basket. and how neatly mr. right dropped it in my lap!

i placed my order with espresso parts. i couldn't for the life of me find the part searching, so i called the sales office, which kindly gave me the part number: mz.108.

then i went on my merry way to yoga class, thinking of it no more. long-time readers know i possess both a rancilio silvia espresso machine and an expobar office control, the famed carlos.

this afternoon i received a phone call from brian d. of espresso parts. "hey," he said in that awesome laid-back voice of his, "i was getting ready to ship your order when i noticed you have a rancilio commercial portafilter. you know, the triple basket is 58mm wide, but it's too tall for your portafilter."

"ok," i said, "i guess i need a new portafilter. but since i have an expobar, can i get one that will fit both?"

now this is a daunting question, since as devoted espresso fanatics know, the so-called "ear patterns" of silvia and carlos are completely different. the "ear pattern" is the shape and arrangement of the 2 little flanges on the sides of the portafilter that lock it inside the grouphead.

and what does awesome brian say? he says: yes! "i can make one that will fit both," he says. yes!

my heart melted into my tod's driving loafers. brian knows how to make a girl happy!

repeat after me: espresso parts rules! thank you, owner terry z.!

but i had to get brian off the phone before i impulsively ordered a wega lyra. . .

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