Sunday, July 03, 2005

fashion meets performance art

i've been fascinated by the whole gently down thing.

is it fashion, x-trem performance art, or a wearable pilgrimage relic, like crossed palm fronds from the middle ages, as we all ride to compostela?

i have to say i love the 'gator. . .the whole endeavor's just amazing, i think.

on the subject of yoga, here's a nice article comparing yoga and pilates. it has some valid points, but doesn't i think mention what i find confusing about taking both yoga and pilates mat classes at the same time, which is the massive difference in breathing.

however, i do think some pilates moves could be helpful with your handstand and other yoga inversions. which is why i'm experimenting with a few classes once a week.

i bet if i mentioned this to my viniyoga teacher, carl "upsidedown" horowitz, we could get a good rant going on his new yogascope blog!

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